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Structure of 2nd Conditional:

If+Past+ Would/Could/Might + V-এর Present form

অর্থাৎ If clause-এ যদি Past Tense হয়, তাহলে অপরাংশে সাধারণত would + verb-এর base form হয়, তবে could/might-ও হতে পারে। 2nd Conditional-এ if যুক্ত অংশে be verb থাকলে তা সবসময় were হবে। লক্ষণীয় যে, এখানে verb-টি Past Tense হলেও বাক্যটি ভবিষ্যৎ সম্ভাবনা বা বর্তমানে অসম্ভাবনার অর্থ প্রকাশ করে থাকে।

If we had a boat, we would cross the river.

If I were you, I would handle the situation more carefully.

Content added By
will help the distressed peopel
would help the distressed people
Would have help the distressed people
would have been helped the distressed people
I would tell him the matter
I might tell him the matter
I will have told him the matter
I might have told him the matter
I would fly in the sky
I should fly in the sky
I will fly in the sky
I flew in the sky

